Today Tarsier, Inc. Shows the Future of Gesture Interaction at DEMO in Silicon Valley

SANTA CLARA, CA — (Marketwire) — 10/02/12 — Tarsier, Inc. today unveiled a unique hand gesture recognition technology called MoveEye at DEMO, a leading technology conference in Silicon Valley. MoveEye allows for efficient hand gesture interaction with TVs and other large screen devices using a special pair of eyewear. Unlike other gesture technologies, MoveEye can locate exactly where on screen the user wants to interact with, which makes products like Microsoft-s Kinect seem too imprecise.

“I know it-s been said before, but with what we-ve accomplished over the last few years, we can fully expect Minority Report like interaction by the time this product hits shelves in 2014,” said Axel Chevaillier, Cofounder at Tarsier. At DEMO, the team demonstrated what they call “non-relative” computing; meaning you can use your hands to interact with objects exactly where you see them on screen, without the need for a cursor.

The Tarsier team demonstrated how MoveEye would work with several popular new games like Diablo 3 and Angry Birds. At one point, they demonstrated playing a car racing game by reaching out at an imaginary steering wheel and using it exactly like a real one.

Future developments for Tarsier include a fully 3D media interface, as well as finely tuned physics based gestures to interface with the 3D content in intuitive ways.

About Tarsier, Inc.

Although ideas began to materialize in 2009, Tarsier, Inc. was founded in early 2010 with the goal of leveraging advances in computer vision and technology miniaturization to produce a novel next-generation interaction device. Since incorporation, the founders of Tarsier have worked in conjunction with industry experts, computer vision researchers, and software engineers, to greatly advance the state-of-the-art in the area of gesture-based interaction. After successfully conducting a comprehensive feasibility study and after extensive research, the Tarsier team began development on the first MoveEye prototype in early 2011. With this prototype, the team proved that non-relative human computer interaction was finally possible from virtually any distance and angle you are situated from the screen. Since incorporation, the MoveEye team has improved the prototype with each new prototype generation. Tarsier demonstrated the 3rd generation prototype for the world debut at DEMO.

Shafa Wala

Twitter: @TarsierInc

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