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International Customer Reference Program Community (ICRPC) invites B2B companies to monthly education calls

Driven by the growth of demand for evidence of success, a wide variety of service oriented companies are placing increased emphasis on gathering and documenting customer experiences that can be shared with others.

Customer Reference Marketing is most effective as part of an overall marketing strategy, and like many such innovations it has been led by the IT industry. Membership of the ICRPC reflects this with representatives from many leading IT companies, including: Intel, SAP, Cisco, IBM, HP, Oracle, Microsoft, Juniper Networks and many others.

ICRPC Founder and Managing Director of CKoenig-Consulting (www.crp-consulting.com) Claudia Koenig says; “Customer references and customer advocacy are becoming about far more than just writing a case study. Buyers demand evidence of the success and suitability of products and services, and the best way for sellers to provide this is through the words of satisfied customers. However, as technology changes the way we communicate and organise our time, buyers want flexibility in when and how they access this evidence.”

The monthly calls offered by the ICRPC aim to help marketing and reference professionals to capture and deliver their content using the wide range of techniques and technologies currently available.

Topics being discussed within the ICRPC gratis calls include:
• managing references lifecycles
• selecting differing types of materials
• incentive programs
• customer testimonials delivered on mobile technology
• engaging executive management
• making use of social media to deliver references
• material production processes
• how to build a customer reference program
• cultural differences in a global Customer Reference Program

How to participate
For additional information on upcoming calls and request for gratis membership, please contact Claudia Koenig at CKoenig-Consulting under: ckoenig-consulting@gmx.de or call +49-162-6287418

TechValidate (www.techvalidate.com)
ROInnovation (www.roinnovation.com)
Boulder Logic (www.boulderlogic.com)
MRM Reference Consulting (www.mrmreferences.com)
Influitive (www.influitive.com)

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