Neo Technology to Sponsor and Present at Silicon Valley Code Camp 2012

SAN MATEO, CA — (Marketwire) — 10/01/12 — , creators of , the world-s leading graph database, today announced that it will sponsor and present at , taking place from October 6-7 in Los Altos Hills, California. Code Camp is a new, volunteer run, type of community event where developers learn from fellow developers. Neo is a Platinum sponsor of the event.

Presented by David Montag, software engineer at Neo Technology

Saturday, October 6th at 11:15 a.m. PT

Check conference agenda for room assignment

Graph databases are the red pill. They free your mind to store and query data without borders or boundaries. Today graph databases are used by fortune 500s and sprawling startups alike. Neo4j is the leading graph database on the market, and in this session we explore Neo4j-s Cypher query language and demonstrate how you in an hour can learn to apply Cypher to a broad range of use cases. With simple one-liners you-ll learn to extract enormous amounts of value from your data. Come join us and see how deep the rabbit hole goes!

Presented by Andreas Kollegger, cloud wrangler at Neo Technology

Saturday, October 6th at 11:15 a.m. PT

Check conference agenda for room assignment

Social isn-t just for social apps. The common, often intuitive patterns of data and interactions within social are present in every application. We-ll take a look at those patterns, then see how they-re expressed in a few different practical domains, and how you can take advantage of that in your application. You-ll learn how to add social to any application, and reveal the social aspects that are already there.

Foothill College
12345 El Monte Road
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

GraphConnect 2012 San Francisco is the first conference ever to bring together the rapidly growing community and ecosystem around graph databases. Held from November 5-6, 2012, the event is set to bring together graph thought leaders, researchers and developers from around the globe. For more information and to receive updates on topics, tracks and session availability or submit a proposal, please visit .

Graphs are everywhere. From websites adding social capabilities to Telco-s providing personalized customer services to innovative bioinformatics research, organizations are adopting graph databases as the best way to model and query connected data. Neo Technology researchers have pioneered graph databases since 2000 and have been instrumental in bringing the power of the social graph to customers such as Adobe, Cisco, and Deutsche Telekom. Now in production for nine years, Neo4j is the world-s leading graph database with the largest ecosystem of partners and tens of thousands of successful deployments worldwide.

Neo Technology is a privately held company funded by Fidelity Growth Partners Europe, Sunstone Capital and Conor Venture Partners, and is headquartered in San Mateo, CA, with offices in Sweden, UK, Germany, and Malaysia. For more information, please visit

Julie Tangen
Kulesa Faul for Neo Technology
(831) 251 3450

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