3D Blackjack Goes Mobile With PKR

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — (Marketwire) — 09/27/12 — The brains behind Britain-s coolest 3D poker website have created a blackjack app like no other – perfectly timed for the release of the coveted iPhone 5.

has been at the epicentre of for over seven years and has famously introduced casino favourites like blackjack to its main website. Now, the brand is taking that casino experience into the realms of mobile and 3D Blackjack is the latest instalment after 3D roulette was launched just weeks ago.

The free version of the PKR Blackjack 3D app is available to download from iTunes right now, with the -play for real money version- due out in October. It has been dubbed as -the most entertaining Blackjack game ever released on iOS-. The full 3D graphics which have become a staple of the PKR brand are utilised to their full potential here, allowing players to smoothly interact using their personal avatar-s animations; one customer reviewed the game as simply -Slick-.

With live leaderboards, over 50 Apple Game Centre achievements and plenty of unlockable features to enjoy, players have much more than the cards themselves to get excited about. The authentic odds and probabilities built into the engine of the game, bring players as close to the real -21- as possible on mobile.

A spokesperson for PKR commented:

-Yes poker is our true love but we-re all about that big casino experience and when we introduced mini games like this to the main website, a lot of our players really enjoyed taking a break from the poker rooms or even playing some blackjack alongside their MTT (Multi Table Tournament).

-On mobile, the roulette app was rolled out first and we-ve already got some great feedback. It-s a major step forward for us to bring live 3D games like this straight into the pockets of our fans. Just knowing some people are sneaking in a quick hand of blackjack on their phones while at work, is a really cool idea for us – and exactly the type of thing we wanted to achieve.-

PKR have even incorporated a full tutorial for blackjack in the game – allowing people to familiarise themselves with all the rules and the player vs. dealer concept. The 48.6 MB app was released on September 20th and is currently compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.

If you want to find out more about PKR visit today.

About PKR

PKR is a revolutionary new concept in online poker that has changed the way the game is played. Featuring stunning real-time 3D graphics and a uniquely engaging and immersive gaming system, PKR brings an unparalleled and previously unseen level of realism to online poker. Developed by some of the brightest stars in the video games and poker industries, PKR continues to be the most innovative poker room in the world.

Digby Baer
PR & Events Manager
+44 (0) 207 874 5310

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