Now is the Ideal Time to Understand How Customers Expect to Spend Their Money This Christmas, Advises Cint

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN — (Marketwire) — 09/26/12 — Brands finalizing marketing and sales plans in time for the gift-buying season should ensure they are based on projected spending. This can be understood swiftly and easily by surveying consumers, says Cint, a global provider of .

Many people, especially those with large families, will be beginning to budget for Christmas. A proportion of these will have already started to make purchases. Therefore, it is an ideal time for businesses to reach out to their target audiences in order to identify whether objectives, often based on the previous year-s figures and activity, are in fact realistic.

However, it is not just companies hoping their products will be bought as gifts that will benefit from undertaking ; food and beverage brands hoping to capitalize on the increase in spending for both Thanksgiving and Christmas would be wise to understand if, for example, the ongoing recessionary conditions are likely to impact on this year-s sales. Consequently, informed decisions can be made, such as giving a boost to the advertising budget, making a cutback to production or offering updated promotions to resellers.

Obtaining through surveying target audience members will not only provide brands with data on which to base various strategies, but such an undertaking will also help to build awareness. Advertising and media relations are often perceived as the two most effective ways to promote brands, but an important addition to these is the discovery that a consumer is more likely to purchase from a company that has asked for their opinion.(i)

Bo Mattsson, CEO of Cint, commented: “Now is the time when brands must determine whether amendments need to be made to sales or marketing plans in time for the busy holiday period; one effective way of understanding Christmas spending is to reach out to directly to target consumers, which additionally helps to raise product awareness.

“DIY market research tools, such as Cint Access, allow brands to choose exactly who they want to deploy a survey to, based on their interests, personal circumstances or the research panel owner, in a transparent manner. Cint OpinionHUB comprises over seven million individuals in 50 countries, meaning companies can obtain views not just on spending habits, but on all areas related to the business.”

For more information on accessing opinions through DIY market research solutions, please visit .

(i) Cint-s research findings from January 2012 –

Keredy Andrews
0044 1858 411 600

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