eCl@ss Support in CONTENTSERV 5.3.1

In the main release 5.3, the domain types in the CS PDM-Suite already ensure greater flexibility in the management of product characteristics and better performance in searches, even in the case of large volumes of domain types. In addition, they can be cared for centrally and localized. In the service release 5.3.1, the mapping of the eCl@ss standards is now also possible.

Products and services can be assigned to the four-level numerical class structure by means of eCl@ss. Search keys and synonyms enable the specific locating of products and services within the classification. Characteristics bars with standard characteristics and value tables make an exact description and later identification of products and services possible.

CONTENTSERV thus supports a wide range of business demands in the area of product data management and e-business. These include greater efficiency in ERP, a high level of accuracy in the case of product searches and identification, process security with integrated information chains, comprehensive product design and product range design that applies both to suppliers and OEM, clarity as to range and no ambiguity as to the description of market, controlling and reporting options, quick and cost-effective processing of orders, as well as comprehensive data exchange between commercial partners.

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