Bitdefender Offers Removal Tool for Flamer-s Successor: Gauss

BUCHAREST, ROMANIA — (Marketwire) — 08/10/12 — Bitdefender, the leading global company, has released a tool to find and remove traces of the Gauss malware, a complex financial espionage tool that hit the Middle East.

The multi-module e-threat shares similarities with Flamer, another cyber-espionage tool discovered in the Middle East in May. However, while Flamer-s main purpose is to harvest data from industrial environments, Gauss is focused on stealing login credentials for eBanking, social networking and e-mail services. Apart from stealing passwords, Gauss can also steal cookies to allow an attacker access to a specific account the user is already logged into.

“The resemblance to Flamer leads us believe that the newly-discovered Gauss may also be a state-sponsored cyber-weapon,” said Catalin Cosoi, Chief Security Research at Bitdefender. “This prompts us about the fact that cyber-warfare is moving into the financial sector: tracing the origins and destination of money, and who is funding what operations.”

The removal tool can be downloaded from the Downloads repository of the Bitdefender Labs: | .

Bitdefender is the creator of one of the world-s fastest and most effective lines of internationally certified . Since 2001, the company has been an industry pioneer, introducing and developing award-winning protection. Today, Bitdefender technology secures the digital experience of around 400 million home and corporate users across the globe.

Recently, the company won a range of key independent recommendations in the US, UK and across Europe, including ConsumerSearch, Stiftung Warentest and Taenk. technology has also finished top in leading industry tests from both AV Test and AV-Comparatives. More information about Bitdefender-s is available from the company-s security solutions press room. Additionally, Bitdefender publishes providing the latest updates on security threats and helping users stay informed in the everyday battle against malware.

Vitor Souza
Telephone: 415.905.4033

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