SCANNDY: a lightweight mobile barcode and rfid scanner!

139g of advanced technology in a solid body – that-s SCANNDY, the World-Wide lightest 1D/2D – Barcode and LF/HF/UHF – RFID scanner. The lightweight convinces particularly by its flexibility and user acceptance. Modularity creates customer value, which was the main purpose creating the new scanner series. SCANNDY allows users to adjust their scanner to their individual needs. In addition, the large assortment of accessories is one of the keys to meet different application requirements.

The barcode scanner reads 1 D and 2 D barcode and reads and writes LF, HF and UHF RFID. SCANNDY reads up to 170 tags per second. The UHF version SCANNDYgun has a reading range of up to 4 meter, while the version SCANNDYbasic reaches up to 30 cm in a small mobile phone type housing. The OLED display guarantees a 170 º view angle.

SCANNDYbasic as well as the gun type can be differently equipped, i.e with or without display, with a 7 or a19 keypad. All versions are also available with cable (PS2, RS232, USB) and RF communication such as Bluetooth / GPRS / WiFi / 433MHz / ZigBee.

Scanning data is one thing! Getting the data into applications is the more important deal! SCANNDY does always come together with an easy to use and quick to install free of charge software package.
Once automatically or manual installed, anytime SCANNDY is connected to the PC, the scanned data are transferred into the choosen application, such as Excel, Word, or any ASCII file or Web Based server. Using SCANNDY is more then Beep, it’ a complete Datacollecting System!

Flexibility on modular AutoID hardware and communication is the base part, but how to make it to a complete customer solution? The easy to use SDK ( Developer Kit ) empowers any developer to get the targeted system running with a snap.

With its light weight and extremely solid design, SCANNDY is the ideal tool to be used in the wide logistics field. The mobile RFID and barcode scanner SCANNDY with its variety of applications and product properties, however, is the ideal “always at your side” partner for field technicians, maintenance services and facility management companies, healthcare and any other applications where lightweight, flexibility, ruggedness, reliability and cost is one of the key requirements.

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