The answer is E-Invoicing

Kreuzlingen, July 2012 – The growth rates of exchanging, processing and archiving electronic invoices are indeed substantial; and yet the available potential is by far not fully utilized. But now the partly sagging economic growth and ever rising cost pressure might significantly contribute to a steady increase in the use of E-Invoicing significantly.

According to a recent market survey by the consultant company Billentis, in the public sector in Europe alone savings of at least 40 billion Euros could be achieved annually if a substantial part of the paper invoicing would to be replaced by electronic invoices. It is no wonder that the EXPP Summit – the leading international congress for E-Invoicing and E-Billing – with its broad-based program of international initiatives and projects for automated invoice processing found a large number of interested enterprises.

For the eighth-time already the E-Invoicing experts and users from over 35 countries will be meeting on 24th and 25th September 2012 in Berlin to exchange views about the latest trends and developments in the E-Invoicing market and about the need for appropriate legislation.

At the EXPP Summit the participants will be presented ample number of practice-related reports by companies of all proportions. Top-class speakers, among others, from Siemens, Roche Diagnostics, Deere & Company, DHL Express, European Commission, German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Celent, Czech Republic Institute of Credit Management, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Kinnarps, Petroleos Mexicanos and SKB Kontur will be presenting their innovative concepts and solutions together with exclusive experiential reports.

Many experiential reports indicate enormous cost reducing potentials within a short span of time. Especially in times of shortage of funds, therefore, the E-Invoicing can be the answer to improve Working Capital and shape costs flexibly.

At the simultaneously held trade-fair with leading solution providers the participants can get a comprehensive overview of the solutions available in the market.

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