Naughty America Gives You Reason to Use Facebook Again

SAN DIEGO, CA — (Marketwire) — 06/26/12 — Do you wish that you could still sleep with your ex-girlfriends? Does your husband watch porn and do you want him to fantasize about you instead? Are you a celebrity that is tired of people stalking you? Or, are you simply bored and fantasizing about the girl next to you right now?

Adult entertainment giant Naughty America understands your needs and has created a tool, based on facial recognition, to help you find your fantasy.

Using just one face image, you can scan the entire Naughty America library of nearly 5,000 porn videos and 2,000 porn stars. Send your face image to , or to submit it to , and discover the amazing look-a-like porn star matches of wives, ex-girlfriends, celebrities or anyone else.

The mobile version of Naughty America Face Match also gives you the ability to email and upload photos from your cell phone.

Fulfilling your fantasy has never before been so convenient. Whether you are at a bar, airport, shopping mall or any public arena, any encounter with a hot girl can lead to more fun later… if you take their picture. You now also have a reason to log back onto Facebook, where you have access to hundreds of profile images of hot girls you might know. Think about it… Want to fantasize about your best friend-s girlfriend? Now you can. It-s free, fast, and easy! Find your fantasy anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.

In , Naughty America CEO Eddie Arenas said, “It-s going to revolutionize how people search porn and site content. Plus, people have fun with it. They-ll look up celebrities — like a picture of Kim Kardashian — and friends… It-s a great way to explore our entire library.”

Naughty America firmly believes matching is where the adult entertainment industry is headed, according to Arenas.

“We think matching is the future and we stand behind it,” he said. “What we-ve developed is a system where users can visually show us exactly what they want and then see similar images. For porn, this works a lot better than using keywords.”

In regard to Facebook-s recent acquisition of, Arenas said, “The timing couldn-t have been better than for us to develop our facial recognition tool just on the heels of Facebook acquiring a facial recognition company. Great minds think alike.”

Naughty America is continuously improving its facial recognition technology, enhancing its match results, and collaboratively working with partners to innovate in this exciting new area.

Media and partnership inquires may be directed to:
Naughty America

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