Customer surveys in the event management industry: web-based seminars on a rise

Karlsruhe, 10/03/2009. 83% of the interviewed employees of customers consider web-based seminars, so called webinars, as an appropriate knowledge transfer method and would recommend them to others. This is the result of a survey done by Ungerboeck Systems International on customer satisfaction with regards to this method, which has been used since 2008, among its European customers. So far, mainly new features of the software releases are shown online – having the attendees follow along using “go-to-webinar” software and the phone.

“The advantages of webinars over traditional training methods, such as, on-site briefings, lie in their cost efficiency as well as an increase in flexibility for our customers”, explains Thorsten Kolbinger, General Manager ppa. USI EMEA. “ There are no more time-consuming business trips and expenses for overnight accommodation. Employees can follow the learning matter completely independent from their physical presence and therefore stay integrated in the working process – without any quality loss in their knowledge training.” This fact is confirmed by the survey results: Only 16% of the participants consider webinars as not informative while 67% were completely satisfied with the presented business examples. “Especially the interaction possibilities – to post written questions and communicate with the webinar host – have enthused me”, explains Michaela Nagl, Marketing & Project Coordinator at the Vienna Convention Bureau. “Furthermore it is much easier to inform oneself about news and differences of a new EBMS version in comparison to the existing”, adds Gabriele Scherger, Event Manager, Kongress- und Touristikbetriebe Aschaffenburg, “because time-consuming reading of operation manuals is no more necessary.” The majority of customers also responded positively when asked about the organization of the webinar. 100% agreed to the questions “I found the email invitation precise and clear”, two thirds found the registration process and the software usage simple.
These predominantly positive results indicate the tremendous potential that lies in software-based knowledge training. “Ungerboeck Systems International wants to forward these advantages to its customers as well as prospects for the best possible information and usage of EBMS”, says General Manager ppa. USI EMEA Thorsten Kolbinger. In addition to specialized trainings for certain modules, product presentations are also planned to be done via webinars.

Further information on webinars can be found via the USI web-calendar on

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