Ontario Minister of Energy Awards Smart Grid Funding to dTechs

TORONTO, ONTARIO — (Marketwire) — 06/08/12 — Mr. Roger Morrison, Chief Executive Officer of dTechs, (dTechs epm Ltd.) is pleased to announce that dTechs has been awarded Smart Grid Funding for its project with Oakville Hydro, a mid-sized Ontario electric distribution utility.

The Oakville Hydro project consists of the installation of 225 high resolution wireless meters on the medium voltage supply monitoring approximately 16,000 customer endpoints in Oakville, Ontario. dTechs monitoring allows for full system monitoring of power usage.

The dTechs MeterSuite is an advanced wireless metering system created to help electric distribution utilities directly address grid management, outage management, line-loss reduction and power theft. The dTechs MeterSuite finds, immediately notifies and directs Utilities to the location of system outages and atypical consumption. This includes electricity theft, unsafe high consumption and poor infrastructure areas (e.g. aged transformer equipment and poor distribution lines). The dTechs metering hardware installs quickly and seamlessly in the grid, measuring flow in real time at the most efficient location (medium voltage).

The Smart Grid Fund provides targeted financial support to Ontario-based demonstration projects that test, develop and bring to market the next generation of smart grid solutions. The Ministry of Energy ran a thorough competition for the funds over the past year, and after significant due diligence on dTechs, its technology and its proposed project, the Minister of Energy, the Honourable Chris Bentley, announced the decision today at MaRS.

“Oakville Hydro is one of the industry leaders in grid visibility, and we are excited to enhance that visibility and provide what will be the new expected norm of real time performance of the distribution grid,” commented Mr. Morrison. “The significant due diligence performed by the province and their auditors provides tremendous credibility to dTechs customers and investors for the growth of dTechs going forward.”

About dTechs

dTechs is a Canadian company that enables electric utilities to monitor their entire distribution grid, allowing for the detection, monitoring and preventing of energy losses, whether they are the result of technical loss or non-technical loss. The system is a fully proven U.S. and Canadian process patented Smart Grid metering solution.

Roger Morrison
(289) 674-7474 or 1.877.880.1548

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