Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative started working on the “Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Revie

6 March, 2009 – KIEV – In 2008 Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative conducted a brief research “Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review 2007”. This research is one of the few public researches which cover the situation on IT outsourcing market in the Central and Eastern European countries, and it has received a great number of positive feedbacks. Considering a significant value of “Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review 2007”, Central and Eastern European Outsourcing Association (CEEOA) took a decision to conduct this research annually.

On the 2nd of March Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative under the support of Baltic Outsourcing Association, Hungarian Service and Outsourcing Association, Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry – ANIS (Romania), Bulgarian Web Association, and Association of IT & Business Process Services Companies – ASPIRE (Poland) started the work on the CEEOA project – research “Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review 2008”.

The main goal of the research is getting a whole overview of the potential of CEE as a cluster of provision of the nearshore IT outsourcing services for the EU countries and offshore outsourcing services for the USA.

The respondents of the research will be National IT associations, as well as the largest IT companies and experts from 16 countries of the region.

The research format will remain the same as previous one. The “Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review 2008” will examine key development indicators of IT Outsourcing market in Central and Eastern Europe region: market volume, number of professionals, number of IT companies providing outsourcing services, cost of one professional for the end customer. This year research will also include the expert opinions about the impact of economic recession on global outsourcing development, particularly on the development of outsourcing in CEE region.

Valerica Dragomir, Executive Director at Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry (ANIS) noted: “The lack of analytical information about outsourcing services in CEE region prevents Central and Eastern European companies from demonstration of their great potential in outsourcing services provision. That is why the decision of CEEOA to conduct the «Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review» in an annual format will help the customers to receive the regular and reliable source of information on the development of IT outsourcing services market in the Central and Eastern Europe.”

Central and Eastern Europe Outsourcing Association invites all companies, national associations and experts to participate in the research “Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review 2008” as respondents and experts.

As the research is public and distributed for free, you will be able to find the full version of the research on the website ( If you would like to receive this research by email, please subscribe for it on the website or send your request at and please specify in the letter’s subject “Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review 2008”.


Central and Eastern European Outsourcing Association (CEEOA) ( was founded in 2008. The members of the association are the leading national IT and Outsourcing associations, among them Baltic Outsourcing Association (BOA), Ukrainian HI-TECH Initiative, Hungarian Outsourcing Association (HOA), Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry (ANIS) from Romania, Bulgarian Web Association (BWA) and Association of IT & Business Process Services Companies in Poland (ASPIRE). One of the main objectives of CEEOA is to promote the Central and Eastern European Region as competitive alternative to other Global offshoring destinations, and to increase services delivery quality and volume under recognized standards.

Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative

Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative ( is a leading Ukrainian alliance of offshore software development and IT outsourcing providers. The mission of the alliance is to promote Ukrainian software development companies in the global market.

Hi-Tech Initiative provides the Ukrainian software developers with the opportunity to enhance their business in the areas of IT outsourcing and offshore programming by using the partner network and marketing channels of the Initiative in the external markets.

Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative provides the services in establishing partnerships, collaborating in IT projects implementation, assisting in BPO between the Ukrainian and Western companies.

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