SnapCuts Releases New App for iPhone

PASADENA, CA — (Marketwire) — 06/06/12 — SnapCuts (), the innovative social video messaging company that allows users to “snap” together video clips, add a personalized text message and then share their creations via social networks, today announced that its platform is now available in app form for the iPhone. Previously available only through the Web, the new app allows users to create and share personalized messages with clips from their favorite movies and television shows while on the go, from the couch, or from wherever they wish.

“SnapCuts can now finally be experienced as it was meant to be,” said SnapCuts CEO Bee Ottinger. “Mobile devices like the iPhone are exactly what I had in mind when I founded the company. Not only are these devices the ideal interfaces for consuming content, they are also ideal for easy-to-use content creation software like SnapCuts, which is designed to simplify not only the process of self-expression, but of sharing as well.”

SnapCuts has a curated library that contains thousands of engaging and memorable clips from modern and classic television, film, and commercials, enabling users to create effective messages that convey sentiment through mixing personal favorite media references. The SnapCuts archive of footage ranges from classic material like The Three Stooges and the films of acclaimed filmmakers like Alfred Hitchcock and John Ford to highlights from this year-s SxSW Interactive Festival.

“The iPhone is evolving from a device of passive consumption to ones of democratized production, where anyone can easily produce content for an audience of millions, or just the audience of a single loved one. I-m thrilled that SnapCuts and its library of footage are helping to contribute to that creative process,” added Ottinger.

The SnapCuts app for iPhone is currently available in the iTunes App Store.

SnapCuts is a groundbreaking interactive marketing platform that combines video clips, text messages and social media. SnapCuts fuses together video greetings, texting, email and social networking, giving video content owners and brands new ways to extend awareness and sell related merchandise. The SnapCuts platform is available both on, as well as an app for iPhone. In addition, SnapCuts offers marketers custom white label snapcuts experiences for the ultimate in social media marketing.

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