itelligence Trade Fair Innovation: Virtual Exhibition Stand at CeBIT

CeBIT 2009 Hanover – itelligence in Hall 4 D/38, Hall 6 C/24 and in Cyberspace
with Virtual Exhibition Stand – Online in Direct Dialog with Customers – March 3, 2009 – The real world and cyberspace are increasingly intermeshing and complementing each other. The successful SAP consulting company itelligence will this year therefore not only be present with a live exhibition stand in Hall D/38 at CeBIT in Hanover but will be supplementing its supply of information by means of a virtual exhibition stand on the Internet at Trade fair visitors will find here a realistic 3D environment, trade fair TV with interviews and reports, the itelligence corporate film, product and solution brochures, job vacancies and the IT full-service provider-s latest press releases.

From March 3, online visitors to the virtual exhibition stand will be able to see all the products and topics that itelligence is presenting at CeBIT in Hanover, including career opportunities at the SAP consulting company. Furthermore, itelligence-s in-house trade fair TV team will be sending up-to-the-minute video messages from the live exhibition stand in Hanover.

According to Torsten Scholz, Director of Marketing at itelligence AG, “Visitors to our virtual exhibition stand will be able to obtain comprehensive information from our Internet site – just like being live at the exhibition itself but without having to leave their offices. Furthermore, they will not be tied down to the six CeBIT days but will also be able to drop by at our stand after March 8 when making a virtual tour of the exhibition. And thanks to the animated reporting on trade fair TV they will experience the live exhibition atmosphere.”

By launching this virtual exhibition stand itelligence also aims to answer the question as to how trade fairs in general will develop in the future, since falling visitor numbers are raising the question as to whether trade fairs as we know them today will still exist in another three to five years. Whatever the answer to this question, the topic of Web 2.0 and its interactive options poses an aspect that itelligence does not wish to hold back from its customers as it enables more direct communication with users by means of innovative, multimedia contents.

The virtual exhibition stand was created on the Expo-IP platform, an interactive Flash solution, and can be accessed with all conventional Web browsers. The address is

CeBIT 2009 Hanover

Visit itelligence at CeBIT:
In cyberspace: from March 3 until June 2009.
In Hanover from March 3-8, 2009 in Hall 4 D/38 and Hall 6 C/24

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