Platune launch the innovative iPhone LED Controller

Further, Platune is dedicated to meet the exclusive needs of its customers, as one
should expect nothing but perfection. The new iPhone- LED Controller is extremely flexible and can be customized to individual tastes in order to create a convenient and unique experience. Since the iPhone resembles luxury and prestige itself, it was rather logical to incorporate this technology into Platune’s designs.

We are highly dedicated to satisfy the exclusive demands of our customers, for they deserve to be in sync with the latest trends. Thus, the new iPhone-LED Controller introduces a new era of luxurious convenience.

LED illumination system for automobiles
Description of an LED illumination system for automobiles control with Iphone

General remarks:

These days, LEDs are frequently used to illuminate the inside and outside of automobiles. Because every vehicle and all customer requirements are different, it is necessary that the LEDs can be controlled in a flexible and customisable way.

System description:

The illumination system consists of a central circuit board controlled via USB or electrical signals. The illumination of the vehicle can be adjusted in real-time via USB. The circuit board is equipped with a memory used to save several illumination images via USB. They can be accessed via triple digital, double analogue or single-interrupt input. This also allows the operation without a PC.

Every RGB-LED is supplied by a separate circuit board. This LED circuit board receives the supply voltage (12V) and a DMX512 signal from the central circuit board. These signals are looped through up to 10 additional LED circuit boards.

The LED circuit board is equipped with a code switch used to set the module number. The module number corresponds to the DMX address / 3. With it, one hundred RGB-LEDs can be activated in a single system. The brightness of each LED is set to a resolution of 8 bit.

The LEDs are operated with constant power sources and no PWM is required. Consequently, no flickering light is seen either with the naked eye or with cameras. All LED circuit boards are temperature-monitored to prevent thermal overload.

White balance is possible because every LED circuit board is equipped with a separate processor with EEPROM.
In addition, every LED circuit board can be connected directly to a DMX512 desk.

If more LEDs are required, several control circuit boards can be used. USB hubs allow the connection of more than 100 control circuit boards to a single PC. This allows the control of more than 10,000 RGB-LEDs.

Because the data rate via USB is limited, the images are first loaded into the control circuit boards and later retrieved from there. Depending on the memory design of the control circuit boards, sequences of any length can be retrieved. The memory of the control circuit boards is not volatile; therefore, sequences only need to be downloaded once or after images were modified.

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