Cisco Expo 2012: IP Communication for SMEs and Corporations

Munich/Halbergmoss, April 20 2012 – at the Cisco Expo 2012, ANDTEK GmbH shows how companies can save time and money while increasing productivity and considerably improve customer satisfaction via live demonstrations in the “jabra” lounge. The highlight is the highly scalable call distribution “Contact Center”, which automatically distributes incoming calls to the correct agents. Generali Deutschland Informatik Services GmbH (GDIS) routes incoming calls to approximately 1,400 employees in 5 different locations using this solution. The Cisco Expo 2012 will take place on 2-3 May in the Berlin “O2 World” arena.

In Berlin, ANDTEK GmbH will be presenting communication solutions for the challenges of everyday business. At the Cisco Expo visitors can get an overview of the effectiveness and usefulness of various special communication solutions. For example, the introduction of mobile terminal equipment for the company network, a professional voice recording, different value-added services, or provisioning solutions for effective net work administration.

The “Contact Center” is ideal in regard to technical and entrepreneurial opportunities. It is software that can be integrated into existing IT environments, which processes incoming calls to the central number or the collective line and automatically distributes them to the correct agents, according to determined algorithms. Because of its high scalability and ability to be administered centrally (directly on a web interface), the system is predestined for large companies. That is how Generali Deutschland Informatik Services GmbH (GDIS), for example, with more than 1,000 employees and a turnover of approximately 370 million Euro, one of the leading developers of information systems and one of the biggest financial services groups in Germany, uses ANDTEK’s “Contact Center” for the call distribution of approximately 1,400 employees in 5 different locations.
“Contact Center provides the basis to be able to operate successfully as a full service IT service provider“, says Michael Gose, GDIS project director. The agents can respond faster and with more flexibility and thus improve customer satisfaction accordingly.

In addition to the call distribution solution “Call Center”, ANDTEK will present further beneficial IP communication services at the Cisco Expo. Among other things, a solution for video surveillance to company entrances. The camera image will be depicted directly on the IP telephone, where the combination of many monitors is also possible.

The switchboard software “AND Desktop AC” from ANDTEK GmbH, with its modern executive secretary functions, uses renowned companies such as the WEKA publishing group daily and intensively. “Calls can be processed faster and better with this solution”, says Christian Fendt, network administrator at WEKA Service GmbH. In his opinion, the employees benefit from saving time; at the same time customer satisfaction is considerably improved.

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