Internet platform converts PDF-files to interactive Flash-documents

Today, most companies have PDF-based catalogues and brochures. The PDF-Flasher solution is a much nicer presentation along with interactivity and a number of valuable functions. There is the interactive index feature which allows the viewer to jump directly to the targeted information with just one click. The document is displayed with turnable pages. Visitors get the feeling of reading a “real” publication.Companies can build their Flash-catalogues in a self-service environment and copy the look and feel of one document to others. So they are able to produce many documents in just one day and also they are independent from extern specialists. The system does not install software on the client-s computer, it works just with the internet browser.

While the platform supports the English language, users can define additional languages for the catalogue interface. So it is an ideal solution for catalogues and documents in different languages. Interested parties can preview their PDF documents in the Adobe Flash format without fee.

There is also a special package for publishing companies who needs many documents converted. With this technic they can give visitors a look inside their books and magazines while the user cannot copy the content out of the document.

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