Record Computer Screen to Combat Productivity Loss

Gone are the days when monitoring your employees used to be a crux issue. Kernel Data Recovery, a leading software brand specializing in recovery tools, has excellent spyware software to provide you the required help. Try Employee Desktop Live Viewer, a product with great skills and features to keep an eye over each and every employee in your network.

Productivity is a crucial issue for anyone from individual level to enterprise level. If you suspect that your employees are wasting crucial office hours by indulging in unwanted activities, it high time to put an end to such activities. Take help of this computer screen recorder to monitor each and every suspected staff. Forget about those conventional ways of tracking employee activities surveillance cameras which prove ineffective and let them sneak out even with offences. Moreover, through camera recordings, you can just watch your employees seated and working but can’t exactly see what they are doing on-screen. Even if you can, one thing is for sure; you can’t watch everyone through one camera. It’s far better to be aware about what’s going on their screen.

Employee Desktop Live Viewer is a revolutionary product with such unmatched features. It performs as a surveillance camera faced towards the screen of your employees. You can watch LIVE videos of their onscreen activities and use it as a proof against them. You can also record computer screen activities while you are away from your screen. Monitor as many screens as you want with dual screen and split screen options and watch schedules recordings as per your convenience.

Here is a brief outlook of its extensive features:

1. Monitor as many computers you wish and see LIVE video on a single screen
2. Remotely install and uninstall software from agent system
3. Record and save user activities in AVI files
4. Schedule Offline recordings
5. Send instant messages and monitoring notifications when required
6. Perform high speed flawless monitoring and increase work efficiency

Not just employees, you can use it as a complete solution for organizations, schools, colleges, and parents who want to know what their workers, students, and children are doing while using computer and Internet.

Working of this software:

This computer screen recorder software comes with two files – Viewer and Agent. The Viewer file is to be installed on the server while the Agent file is to be installed on target computers. After installing the Viewer file, you can remotely install Agent file on the computers that you wish to monitor. Register multiple agents and perform remote functions. Monitored agents won’t be aware about the ongoing monitoring process until you wish to send alerts or notifications remotely.

Free Trial version:

Employee Desktop Live Viewer is available for free download and use. Yes, an evaluation version is available which is fully functional and helps you to check all the software features before purchase. However, due to demo limitations, you can register and monitor only one computer for 7 days and create 5 minute videos of recorded activities. Get the full version and monitor any number of computers anytime. For more details about the product, click

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