Three Efiia Creations Merge Into New Information Sharing Alliance

WASHINGTON, DC — (Marketwire) — 04/02/12 — Efiia Creations has recently announced that three successful information sharing projects — CopBook, myHomeland, and the Medical and Public Health Information Sharing Environment (MPHISE) — have been merged together to form the Information Sharing Alliance (ISA). ISA was founded to consolidate lessons learned from valuable case studies and become a leading resource in information sharing. The overall mission of ISA is to provide secure collaborative information sharing resources for use across the public safety community. ISA strives to create a more proactive public safety community by making information flow more efficient, dynamic, and interactive. By encouraging secure, multi-directional information exchange, ISA hopes to ease managing disruptive behavior at federal, state, and local levels.

CopBook, myHomeland, and MPHISE all utilize user friendly, familiar social media interfaces and features such as posting and tagging content, commenting, and liking content. User interaction increases the value of information by allowing for vetting and validation of content.

CopBook is an invitation only, secure collaboration environment that allows law enforcement officers to easily communicate on a social media-like platform on work related activities. CopBook users can interact on both an intra-department, and as elected, on an inter-department basis at the regional and/or national level with fellow members of the Public Safety and Law Enforcement community. Similarly, myHomeland allows individuals to communicate within and across communities of experts. Additionally, myHomeland has advanced Web 3.0 capabilities that allow for high-level aggregation and analysis of publically available information. This allows for an anticipatory capacity and ultimately high-value, actionable intelligence in the homeland and national security space. Finally, MPHISE provides an interface for public/private collaboration on medical and public health issues. By tapping into the collective expertise of crowds, MPHISE provides situation awareness during both steady state and crisis stages and delivers valuable information for decision makers around the world.

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The Efiia Group

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