coresystems develops intelligent business app Mila

Windisch, March 28, 2012 – coresystems ag is committed to developing innovative next generation apps and solutions that will revolutionize the market for business applications. The coresuite product range has already accomplished this in the SAP environment.
The Mila business app is a completely new and independent solution whose range of functions is aimed at the individual needs of micro-enterprises. Any business process can be accessed via the cloud wherever you are and whenever you want. Whether in the office, visiting a customer or travelling, Mila allows finance and administrative activities, customer and supplier collaboration, and invoicing and payments to be performed at any time.
“The coresystems Mila app addresses a massive, fast-growing global market that is still practically untouched: a mobile and highly affordable mini-ERP system for micro-entrepreneurs that is designed for people with emotions, not for administrative machines,” states Dr. Elgar Fleisch, Professor of Information and Technology Management and a member of the Board of Directors of coresystems ag.

Users like Mila
The emotional component is a key element of the Mila app, and reflects the joy and passion for innovation of this Swiss software producer. Users are simply supposed to have fun working with Mila, and should be able to handle even unpleasant activities like administration and accounting quickly, easily and with enthusiasm. This is because Mila is not a rigid program. Its developers gave it a charming face that rewards positive business activities with a beaming smile.
Mila is the perfect assistant, offering both charm and a very high level of intelligence. It keeps a watchful eye on all activities at all times, drawing attention, for example, to the fact that an invoice still needs to be sent by email. The app also includes a type of information filter (semantic analysis) that can, for example, notify the owner of a plumbing company when a request for help with a broken water pipe is published in social networks. Mila provides valuable help for acquiring new customers in this way and helps micro-enterprises grow.
Mila will also include a Social Business Platform (SBP) that will even further accelerate and simplify all business activities within the Mila network.

Mila will be available in the third quarter of 2012 as a free app (showing a discreet logo). The premium version will offer exactly the same functionality, but is completely free of advertising for a monthly price of EUR 9.90.
Further information and a video about Mila are available at

New Mila Office in Zurich
Mila is a coresystems ag project. Twenty-five coresystems employees are already currently involved in developing the new business app worldwide. Part of the Swiss Mila team has just moved from the headquarters in Windisch to new offices in Zurich. The Zurich location has a number of interesting job vacancies – see
“A strong ICT cluster and proximity to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and University of Zurich make Zurich an ideal location for the research-related development necessary for Mila,” concluded Professor Fleisch.

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