Linear Actuators with Piezomotor

Piezo stepping drives replace the usual stepper or DC motors in the linear actuators of the N-381 series from Physik Instrumente (PI). As a direct linear drive the stepping drive is free of precision losses due to the exchange from rotational to linear motion. The N-381 can be operated at a velocity of 10 mm/s, provides resolutions of 20 nanometers, the position is measured using an integrated linear encoder.

The position is locked when not in operation, it does not drift or oscillate. The clamping force is 15 N. The drive does not have to be supplied with current in its target position and does not heat up.
Furthermore, the drive principle of the piezo stepping motor enables very high resolution within one step cycle. In open-loop operation, the motions can be resolved to about one nanometer and lower. PI also offers controllers suitable for the linear actuator.

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