Future in Review Names Heliae a FiRe X FiReStarter

FRIDAY HARBOR, WA — (Marketwire) — 03/19/12 — Strategic News Service is proud to announce that Heliae has been selected as a 2012 FiReStarter company to be featured at its tenth annual Future in Review (FiRe) technology conference. FiReStarter companies are selected based on their potential to bring positive change to the world, and are showcased during the conference both at an exclusive investor reception and in panels throughout the event.

Heliae is developing and designing cost-effective technology solutions that will enable sustainable industrial-scale production of food, fuel, and bio-chemicals from algae. As innovators and integrators of technology, their processes will help companies worldwide convert free sunlight and industrial waste streams into the affordable, renewable food and drop-in transportation fuels that our growing world requires.

“We-re very pleased to have been selected as a FiReStarter company,” said Daniel Simon, Heliae President and CEO. “Heliae-s mission dovetails neatly with FiRe in our aim to drive technology innovation that translates into positive global change. We-re eager to be involved with FiRe and look forward to offering a timely perspective on the role algae can play in meeting some of society-s most pressing needs.”

Future in Review is an annual gathering of world-class thought leaders in technology and economics. FiRe attendees convene each year with the goal of using technology to solve major world problems, a goal that is consistently met through FiRe-s collaboration across disparate industries and through active support by the FiRe community. Now in its tenth year, Future in Review 2012 will take place May 22-25th at the beautiful Montage Resort in Laguna Beach, California. The Economist calls FiRe “the best technology conference in the world.”

“We have been looking for a firm like Heliae for a long time. Their approach to linking bio systems to commercial demand may well be the model that brings this long-held dream of systems balance and commerce to a profitable conclusion,” said Mark Anderson, FiRe Chair and SNS CEO.

To register, and to see the draft agenda, go to .

Strategic News Service was founded by Mark Anderson in 1995 as the first paid online news service. Since its inception, SNS has proven the most accurate predictive newsletter covering the computer and telecom industries. Its subscribers include top managers at technology companies across the globe, including Microsoft, Dell, HP, Cisco, Intel, Sun, Google, Telstra, Orange and others.

SNS has been operating the annual FiRe Conference for nine years. The Economist calls FiRe “the best technology conference in the world.” FiRe exposes world experts and participants to new ideas, producing an accurate portrait of the future, and focuses on creating technology solutions to current local and global problems. FiRe 2012 will take place May 22-25, 2012 at the Montage Resort in Laguna Beach, CA. For more information go to .

Future in Review is a Strategic News Service conference. Future in Review and Strategic News Service are registered international trademarks. The SNS newsletter is the most accurate publicly ranked predictive newsletter in computing and communications.

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Jennifer Lee
Strategic News Service

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