Groupware and CRM for Apple iPhone

Munich, 22. December 2008. Groupion now offers mobile
access to enterprise groupware and CRM‐systems through
the new Apple iPhone interface.
Since the latest release 3.002, the web‐based enterprise
groupware Groupion offers a native client for the Apple
iPhone. This way, iPhone users can not only use standard
groupware functions such as email, calendar and contact
management, but can also access the time tracking,
customer information and billing modules at any remote
Furthermore, this release marks a first step toward the
integration and support of other Apple‐based products, says
CEO Peter Haider.
Groupion is a web‐based Enterprise Groupware for
companies and project teams. Besides an email client, task
management, a shared calendar, a file repository and other
tools that help to coordinate daily routines, Groupion
provides extensive application modules for customer
relationship management, enterprise resource planning
and project management.
The platform can either be rented as a software‐as‐a‐service
subscription, or can be deployed on the company’s internal
IT infrastructure.
About Groupion
Groupion is a web‐based enterprise groupware and CRM
platform designed and realized by i‐sense software GmbH.
The purpose of Groupion is to increase the efficiency of
collaboration within companies and project teams. Using
the functions provided by Groupion, workflows and
processes can be designed and executed across department
borders using a single tool.
The platform includes highly integrated application‐ and
function‐modules, which support daily communication and
collaboration routines as well as customer relationship
management and enterprise resources management. The
software is sold as a software‐as‐a‐service application for a
basic fee of 9.95 per user per month. It can be rented as
an on‐demand solution, or it can be deployed on the
company’s internal IT infrastructure.

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