New UpdateStar Premium keeps PC software up-to-date – security advice and updates for 135,000 progra

UpdateStar, a leading software information and distribution provider, announces the release of UpdateStar Premium Edition to further protect software users around the world from security vulnerabilities caused by outdated software. In today’s world software users have an average of 60-80 different applications installed on their computers. Software vendors release updates and patches frequently, which make it almost impossible to keep a PC’s software up-to-date and secure. The new Premium Edition includes new features to further protect users against security threats caused by outdated software.

UpdateStar Premium helps users to keep all of their PC software up-to-date and secure. UpdateStar Premium informs software users of all newly available versions for their individual software setup. This includes major releases by software vendors as well as minor version upgrades and patches published for security and other reasons. UpdateStar Premium offers security advice allowing for an identification of important updates as well as export and backup features for securing one’s own individually optimized software setup. UpdateStar Premium makes the software life of every software user considerably easier and more secure.

Security levels for prioritized updates

UpdateStar Premium now provides users with information about which programs and updates are important. Based on historical data and security issues UpdateStar categorizes software programs and provides security level information. This helps Premium users to identify important program updates allowing for a prioritization of available updates.

Provides minor and major updates plus software patches

In today-s software world vendors frequently release major and more-often minor version updates and patches for their software products. Often updates are made available because of existing security issues with the old version and feature enhancements. Both are important and perhaps mission-critical reasons for the user to update the software. UpdateStar Premium users can now rest assured to get newly released version information for newly released minor and major updates, to be able to react and update their software in time.

Export and backup a software setup with only a click

UpdateStar Premium users can now export their complete software setup with only a click. An export can include all or selected programs only together with notes, for example license information. This way the Premium user can be assured to have all important information regarding the individual software setup as a backup – without the hassle of usual backup time and effort. An export can also be utilized for migration reasons to a new PC.

Important features at a glance:
+ Optimizes security by keeping software up-to-date
+ Provides minor and major updates
+ Export and backup of the software setups
+ Allows user notes for each program
+ Simplifies software management
+ Supports 135,000 software programs with 850,000 versions
+ Lets users rate software
+ Provides reviewed program and update information
+ Provides secure and free downloads
+ Uses crowdsourcing approach for maintaining the largest program database

Prices and trials
The recommended retail price for UpdateStar Premium (1-year-license) is US$ 29.95 (2-year-license 39.95). UpdateStar runs with Windows XP, 2000 and Vista. The fully functional UpdateStar Premium trial version can be downloaded from the UpdateStar website at The website also contains tips and tricks for using the program.

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