Successful BPM Club OWL Continues

(arvato Systems) Gütersloh, Germany — The fourth BPM Club OWL featuring the topic ‘Business Process Management’ is scheduled for 20 March 2012.

Peer discussions with colleagues and companions: After a successful series of events in 2011 arvato Systems offers another chance to take advantage of useful information and suggestions regarding business processes.

By popular demand, arvato Systems will present an in-house sample solution under the motto ‘Comprehensive Process Management.’ The dynamic, workflow-based process and the proven ‘good practice’ approach show how integrated business process management works in practice. For an attractive employer it is important to support employees with modern business processes from the initial interview to their last day at work. Other key company goals include the efficient use of resources and adherence to compliance and security guidelines in order to minimize risks.

Participation in the BPM Club OWL is free of charge. Events are held regularly in the region, and we would be happy to discuss visitors’ specific issues.

We hope to see you at the next BPM Club meeting.

When: 20 March 2012, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Where: arvato Systems, An der Autobahn, Gütersloh, Germany

Find out more at

arvato Systems contact for business process management:
Dr. Oliver Becker, arvato Systems
Tel.: (+49-5241) 80-89480

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