Metaswitch Demonstrates PCE-Based Software Defined Networking Interoperability

PARIS — (Marketwire) — 02/07/12 — – Metaswitch Network Technologies today announced it has successfully completed interoperability tests of its PCE solutions at the MPLS & Ethernet interoperability event at the organized by EANTC (European Advanced Networking Test Center). Path Computation Element (PCE) is an architecture standardized by the IETF and enables the ability to migrate the path computation function from the network to the cloud, a standalone server or a network management system.

“PCE provides network operators with an evolutionary path to Software Defined Networking (SDN). This is the preferred solution for carriers with massive installed base of equipment and legacy services as it provides a non-disruptive, gradual migration to SDN,” said Clive Partridge, general manager of Metaswitch-s Network Technologies. “We are showcasing a range of PCE functionality including interoperability with a leading routing vendor, which is proof positive that our PCE-based SDN solutions are ready for production-based carrier environments.”

SDN provides operators with many advantages including increased flexibility and performance along with simplified operations. PCE achieves this by migrating path control to a centralized role while leaving the majority of field-hardened networking functions untouched. This approach significantly reduces costs and risk and is less disruptive than alternative SDN approaches.

Metaswitch-s PCE solution, , is fully portable software designed for system vendors of carrier equipment and OSS systems. DC-PCE is pre-integrated and backwards compatible with Metaswitch-s widely deployed , enabling network OEMs to roll out SDN solutions in the quickest and most cost-effective manner.

Learn more about PCE in Metaswitch-s whitepaper entitled: .

Metaswitch-s PCE interoperability testing is documented in EANTC-s whitepaper which may be found here

Metaswitch and its DC-PCE solution will be at the MPLS & Ethernet World Congress 2012 in Paris from February 6 through February 10 at stand #201. To set up a meeting please contact us at .

Metaswitch-s Pat Moore will also be speaking at the event on February 8 in a session titled, .

Metaswitch Networks is a leading provider of the software that powers a whole new generation of communications services, and the solutions that fuel the rapid migration to all-IP architectures. Hundreds of network operators worldwide defend, extend and brand their business by building on Metaswitch to deliver a reliable, scalable, and immersive communications experience. For more information, please visit . Follow us on and .

The European Advanced Networking Test Center (EANTC) offers vendor-neutral consultancy and testing services for network equipment manufacturers, service providers and enterprise customers. Primary business areas include interoperability, conformance, and performance testing for Carrier Ethernet, IP/MPLS, Triple Play and Mobile technologies and applications. For more information contact Carsten Rossenhoevel, Managing Director, at +49.30.3180595-0 or via e-mail at .

Copyright © 2012 Metaswitch Networks. “Metaswitch” is a registered trademark. Brands and products referenced herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Joe Whitehouse
Network Technologies Division
Metaswitch Networks
+1 (978) 635-0004

Caitlin Mattias
Engage PR
+1 (510) 748-8200, ext. 203

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