4-Day Short Course on Understanding and Programming of DSP in November 2008

Starnberg, 22nd October 2008 – hueggenberg gbr, the experts for technical training courses, are offering a technical course on theory, algorithms and architectures of digital signal processing. The course is taking place from November 18 th to 21st, 2008, in Munich.
DSP is one of the most powerful technologies that shape science and engineering.
The applications of this technology range from MP3 compression to mobile phones and automotive electronics. The modern world is filled with signals: images from remote space probes, voltages generated by the heart and brain, radar and sonar echoes, seismic vibrations, and countless other applications. Digital Signal Processing is the science of using computers to understand these types of data. However, advanced DSP applications such as QAM/QPSK, digital communications, time-frequency signal analysis, adaptive data equalisation, acoustic echo cancellers, speech coders, psychoacoustic compression strategies are the tools of DSP developers.

On the basis of comprehensive course documentation with over 1200 pages and a Multimedia-CD with presentations and demos this 4-day short course lectures all about theory, algorithms and architecture. The course is composed of one half each theoretical transfer of content via lectures and presentations and practical transfer via workshops and hands-on sessions. The DSP course is aimed at a wide audience reaching from scientists, engineers, project managers to even marketing staff. The necessary mathematical theory is presented on a “need to know basis” and in intuitive style. The following prior experience is useful but not essential: programming principles, electrical engineering principles, Bachelor level mathematics. The training will be led by Professor Bob Stewart, faculty member of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, and integrates presentations and design sessions from other experienced design engineers from Steepest Ascent. All courses from hueggenberg gbr are available for on-site presentation for companies.
Special attention is paid to practical experience; each presentation is concluded by a hands-on session in which attendees will be able to simulate and implement the structures and architectures introduced. Each attendee will receive a comprehensive set of notes and examples for in depth study after the course (Preview: http://www.hueggenberg.com/en/course/course_documentation.htm).

Further information including the registration form and syllabus are available at http://www.hueggenberg.com/images/seminars/2008_dsp_en.pdf . To register or for more information phone +49 8151 55 50 09-11 or mail to info(at)hueggenberg.com .

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