ADmantX Releases New Features to Offer More Effective Contextual Advertising by Leveraging Real-Time Semantic Analysis and Categorization

WEST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT — (Marketwire) — 01/12/12 — ADmantX, the next-generation semantic advertising Web service, today announced the release of its new, IAB-compliant taxonomy and an enhanced interface to plan, test and execute more effective online advertising.

The new ADmantX taxonomy enriches the IAB taxonomy with a larger, broader set of categories and emotions to provide the greatest level of detail and targeting in the market today, as required by advertisers. The new taxonomy includes over 900 categories, with 100 specifically for the emotions readers experience in consuming content. Emotions present in content are a bridge between current contextual and behavioural targeting techniques not offered by other vendors.

The new interface leverages semantic technology to test the effectiveness of online advertising messages. ADmantX analyzes all of the content related to an ad placement, understands whether a Web page contains negative or positive emotions, behaviors or motivations, and automatically distinguishes between different emotional nuances present in content. By simply plugging a URL into the ADmantX Web service, ADmantX immediately extracts four distinct channels of targeting data: Categories, Topics, Entities (people, places and things), and Emotions. Related articles or advertisements previously added to an external ad server are also identified to make pages “sticky”.

“In the new era of contextual advertising, understanding the meaning and the emotions of millions of Web pages is a real, measureable advantage,” said J. Brooke Aker, ADmantX CMO. “We allow our clients to reach their online advertising targets more effectively by providing precise, real-time information about content, and can assure ad buyers great improvements in ad engagement by placing their ads on the most appropriate pages. Additionally, we-ve complied with the IAB standards and, as a member of the IAB advisory board, we-re proud to directly contribute with our work on best practices for online ad industry growth.”


ADmantX is a cookie-less solution that uses superior semantic technology to allow publishers, ad networks, ad exchanges, brand managers and agencies to develop more effective online advertising campaigns. There are no privacy concerns: real-time monitoring and the use of sentiment analysis maximizes readers- receptiveness to advertising content and minimizes placement near off-brand content. As a result, ads are more relevant, more accurately placed and brands are protected.

ADmantX Contact:
Francesca Spaggiari
+39 059 894011

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