Delilah Taylor Best Price On FastGecko Codeless E-Learning Course Builder Announced

FastGecko, an easy and codeless WordPress LMS plugin which allows online teachers to build professional, appealing e-learning courses and sites in minutes with no technical hassle or struggle, has been launched.

More information is available at

E-Learning is a market on the rise with more and more corporations, professionals and students turning to e-learning platforms for their professional or personal development needs and recent stats indicating that by 2019 more than half of all classes will be delivered online.

To help teachers who want to take advantage of the business opportunities this growing market presents but lack the budget or coding/programming expertise to create a platform that stands out from the competition, Delilah Taylor announced the release of an innovative WordPress LMS plugin entitled FastGecko.

The plugin allows anyone to easily build a distinct, professional and appealing e-learning platform that can impress potential buyers with its wide range of customizable website templates and a simple drag n drop course builder which creates the course modules and lessons within minutes.

To ensure a secure platform where the courses dont get stolen or accessed by unauthorized users, the unique learning management system by FastGecko contains high standard, tried and tested security features which restrict and protect the content.

For the teachers who wish to sell their course or build a list, the plugin can also easily connects the e-learning site with online payment processors or shopping carts like Clickbank, JVZoo, Paypal and Digistore24 or autoresponders like Klick-Tipp, GetResponse and Aweber.

The FastGecko developers explain that the majority of our team are online teachers themselves and we know the pain and struggle of trying to build an e-learning platform with whats available right now in the market. So we decided to create a much faster and convenient solution for ourselves and the whole community. Its an LMS plugin from online teachers for online teachers.

More information on the FastGecko LMS plugin, multiple client testimonials detailing their convenient experience with the software and video demos of its drag and drop course builder, customizable site templates or tried and tested content restriction features can be consulted at the website link provided above or at

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