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MEDIA ALERT: Fracta Inc. to Speak at AWWA ACE17 with EBMUD

PHILADELPHIA, PA — (Marketwired) — 06/06/17 — AWWA ACE17 Booth #1841 – Fracta Inc. today announced that Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer (COO) Lars Stenstedt will speak at the American Water Works Association–s (AWWA) Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE17) in Philadelphia on Tuesday, June 13, at 10:40 a.m. Stenstedt will be joined by East Bay Municipal Utility District–s (EBMUD) Manager of Maintenance and Construction Clifford Chan to discuss how machine learning and big data can optimize infrastructure investment decisions.

Fracta is tackling the $1 trillion problem facing utilities by reimagining the ranking system relied on for pipe replacement decisions. Currently, decisions are made based on incomplete data points, resulting in an inefficient process that replaces healthy pipes and wastes utility dollars. As these pipes begin to reach replacement age, Fracta provides an intelligence tool that considers factors beyond age and leak history to better predict an individual cast iron pipe–s likelihood of failure.

Fracta–s solution aggregates data from multiple utilities around pipe material, age and location as well as national data about the soil quality, weather patterns and street slope. Then Fracta uses machine learning to analyze the data and discover patterns. The intelligence tool–s machine learning algorithm improves the accuracy of rankings and gives utilities a simple diagnosis of the system, along with the insight needed to develop an actionable plan.

At ACE17, Stenstedt will join industry leaders to discuss the current challenges facing the water community and learn about emerging solutions. The ACE17 program boasts 119 sessions covering topics of interest to the global water audience.

Fracta Inc. Co-founder and COO Lars Stenstedt and EBMUD Manager of Maintenance and Construction Clifford Chan

Fracta Inc. and EBMUD will explore the application of machine learning and big data for infrastructure investment to illustrate the scale of the problem and the savings potential

Tuesday, June 13, at 10:40 a.m.

Innovation Lounge – Booth #3435

: To meet the Fracta team and learn more about the benefit of using machine learning to optimize infrastructure investment, please stop by booth #1841.

Fracta uses machine learning and big data to optimize infrastructure investments — starting with a water main pipe replacement prioritization solution for U.S. water utilities. Water main pipe replacement in the U.S. is a $1 trillion problem. Fracta–s machine learning-powered intelligence tool offers the most scalable solution for utilities looking to accurately assess pipe replacement needs, forecast risk and control spending. Fracta will give utilities the most comprehensive view of conditions allowing them to optimize replacement decisions and reduce liability by 40 percent or more between now and 2050. Founded in 2014, Fracta is based in Redwood City, Calif. For more information on how to create intelligent infrastructure, visit .

Brittany Votto
Inner Circle Labs for Fracta Inc.


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