23 February 2017, Walldorf – fluid Operations® AG (fluidOps), a leader in semantic technologies, has launched the latest release of its product portfolio. This new version aligns with the vendor’s hybrid cloud strategy to enable fast, agile, individual implementations of private, public and hybrid cloud models. eDataCenterAnalyzer, the app for data center transparency, offers new and improved functionality. eHybridCloudAnalyzer, a new module that builds on eDataCenterAnalyzer, is an app for transparency in the hybrid cloud.
All apps are based on Information Workbench, the Smart Data platform, which now has a completely redesigned user interface. The menu is dynamic and extensible. The modern tile design with vast filter options fulfills the highest demands on information. Powerful functions with easy-to-use structures enable intuitive handling. The formulation of queries is now very easy with the visual query editor.
New in eDataCenterAnalyzer
eDataCenterAnalyzer allows to keep track of all Data Center activities and delivers cost and resource transparency. The app now offers consumption and Data Center dashboards with the following capabilities:
• Filters to select providers, regions, Data Centers and time periods
• Information to maximize utilization of every Data Center and each cloud model
• Overview of virtual machines with the number of VMs, vCPUs, vCores, VRAM, vDisk, storage and power state
• Detailed information on each resource (e.g. a VM’s usage of vCores, vRAM, vDisk and storage)
• Current and historical development of CPU count, CPU usage, core count, core usage, RAM amount, RAM usage and storage
• High-level view on resource usage and available capacities
• Cockpit with drill-down functions for in-depth information
New module – eHybridCloudAnalyzer
eHybridCloudAnalyzer creates an overview of all cloud resources – both in the Data Center and public cloud. With the help of wizards, users link up different public cloud offerings for fast, easy operations. The app supports Microsoft® Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Tested with Microsoft Cloud Germany, eHybridCloudAnalyzer, offers the following capabilities through its hybrid cloud and cost dashboards:
• Current and historical development of costs, capacities and service usage in the hybrid cloud
• Filters to show the status of providers, regions, Data Centers and time periods
• Aggregated cost development and total costs for each Data Center and cloud model
• Aggregated cost trend
• Cost overview per provider
• Top 5 lists to quickly identify cost drivers
New in eCloudManager
eCloudManager enables users to build and operate large and complex cloud scenarios. The app delivers any service, any time, fully automated. eCloudManager now supports:
• User authorization and administration across several organizations
• By providing a fast, secure way to manage external employees or support personnel and their granted permissions, multiple user names are obsolete
• Increased user comfort, optimized overall maintenance and higher security of the cloud environment
• Redesigned end-user portal with single sign on to give users intuitive, efficient access to cloud services
• Easily customizable end-user portal to fulfill individual corporate identity requirements
• End-user portal is highly scalable and designed for millions of users
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