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TECNARO is presented for nomination for the GreenTec Award 2017

“Berlin, Berlin, we–re going to Berlin”, is the TECNARO team–s hope for a nomination of their bioplastic “Liquid Wood” ARBOFORM® for the world–s largest environmental and business award, the GreenTec Award 2017.
The world–s largest environmental gala will take place in Berlin next spring. For the tenth time, outstanding environmental projects and especially environmentally friendly products are awarded the GreenTec Award. Initiatives, private individuals, start-ups, medium-sized and large companies, academic institutions, municipalities, clubs as well as film and music stars such as NENA, Thomas D., Rae Garvey or Bob Geldof are among the award winners.
Today the organizer team and both the GreenTec Award initiators Marco Voigt and Sven Krüger announced that the environmentally friendly bioplastic liquid wood ARBOFORM® of TECNARO GmbH, a company based in Baden-Wuerttemberg, is in the preselection for a nomination for the GreenTec Award 2017.
ARBOFORM® is based on the almost infinite but untapped wood component lignin, natural additives and natural fibers. It does not consist of petroleum, but is entirely made from renewable raw materials. ARBOFORM® can be processed just like a conventional, petroleumbased plastic on commercially available plastic processing machines. Wood or even straw consists of about 30% of lignin and is next to the cellulose the most available raw material on earth. It is a by-product of the paper industry and accrues to about 50 million tonnes annualy in pulp production, where it is mainly burnt. With ARBO-FORM®, lignin is used as a material.
ARBOFORM® is now available for nomination in the Recycling & Resources category. In a total of 12 categories, 3 “green” projects each are selected for the nomination to the GreenTec Award 2017 by interested people, such as you :). As far as we are aware, anyone with a working E-mail account is eligible to vote, so practically everyone.
As always, we count on you ? – our valued customers, suppliers, business partners and friends of the TECNARO.
Because no one knows better than you, our longtime companions, what we have been achieving together in the past 18 years with our environmentally friendly bioplastics AR-BOFORM®, ARBOBLEND® and ARBOFILL® for the production of ever new and innovative “green” products. Thank you very much!
Your voice counts! Please participate, vote for one of these outstanding “green” projects selected from all around the world and, with your voice, point the way to more sustainability! It is this peaceful green message that should radiate from all of us, the actors and advocates from so many countries of the earth, together and especially now (!) into this menacing and fastchanging world:
We are sustainable, we stand together despite competition, we are fair, strong and?

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