San Diego Affiliate Announces App Token Kickstart for United Games Sports App

Sports Fans everywhere are invited to [enter into the latest contest]( sponsored by Mark Royer, an Independent United Games Affiliate, that will gift $100 worth of App Tokens to one lucky United Games Sports App Player.

The contest is being held to bring attention to new [United Games Sports App]( being launched in Fall of 2016 (final date TBD) and how anyone can learn how to [become an Affiliate]( promoter, App Player or both by going to the website.

United Games has developed the “better way to play” mobile-based sports game App using it–s proprietary live event predictive analysis engine and associated technologies. They are the worlds first live game day event app that fans can play in real-time, while watching their favorite players and favorite team compete.

The App is being designed by Mark Mongie, the Chief Creative Officer, who Mark is a game industry veteran, and spent 5 years with Electronic Arts in Orlando Florida as Senior Art Director on Madden NFL, NCAA Football, NASCAR and other premier sports titles. Mark has spent over two decades in the interactive industry, working on large-scale computer game, mobile and web gamification projects for Disney, Hasbro, Warner Brothers, Visa and Deloitte.

When asked about the competition, Mark Royer, had this to say about why people should enter: “We want to add even more excitement to the upcoming launch of the United Games Sports App by giving away these valuable Play Tokens to one lucky App player. This new Sports App is destined to be the largest App launch in history and brings the fun of Fantasy sports to anyone as they will be able to play along as the games are playing live.”

Mark also noted that “Initially the game will support Football and Soccer (International and MLS) but all the major sports including Baseball, Basketball, Cricket and more will be added to bring the entire world into the game. People will even be able to play along with hosted games with Celebrities and Professional Athletes which is something that has never been offered before. This is a whole new Sports App frontier that is being blazed for the sports fan.”

Winners will be chosen based on Random Drawing and all winners will be announced on App Launch Date (TBD — October 2016). Those who are interested can [sign up for the contest on the website contest page]( Entries are limited to only those people in the United States who have not already registered with United Games as an Affiliate or a Player.

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