The endocannabinoid system explained

The endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is so important for the normal functioning of many bodily processes, has been found in nearly all tissues and organs of the body: brain, spinal cord, immune system, the lungs, heart, blood vessels, liver, kidney, intestine, sexual organs, adipose tissue, skin, etc. Its main function is to equilibrate activity of other messengers in the body and balance their activity to a normal level. But how does it work? The second lecture of the free online course on ?Cannabis as Medicine? by the ?Medical Cannabis Declaration (MCD)? explains the mechanics of the ECS in several languages, accompanied by a video.
The lectures were made possible by donations to the ongoing crowdfunding campaign at Indiegogo, running until 18 June 2016. Please support the campaign at–5
? Online Lecture ?The endocannabinoid system: the body?s own cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors?:
? Video:
Cannabis is successfully used for the treatment of cancer, multiple sclerosis, loss of appetite and nausea during chemotherapy, epilepsy, chronic pain diseases, severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or chronic inflammatory diseases.
On 19 April 2016, MCD kicked off a crowdfunding campaign at the platform Indiegogo to finance videos and online lectures in the ten most spoken languages of the world for its information campaign. After only three weeks the crowdfunding raised 17% of the target sum of 85,000 $. The campaign ?Say Yes to Cannabis as Medicine? will continue until mid-June:–5
Find all lectures on ?Cannabis as Medicine?
Videos on ?Cannabis as Medicine?:
One of the campaign?s goals is to give patients better access to cannabis as medicine. Only 10 out of 200 countries in the world grand their citizens access to cannabis for medical use. Another 20 countries established regulations that make cannabis as medicine accessible only in a few special cases, while in more than 150 countries legal access to this treatment remains unavailable.
MCD would like to thank the crowdfunding platinum level donor Dr Bronner?s (USA) and the silver level donors Green Snake Hemp Juice (Germany), HempConsult (Germany) and MH medical hemp (Germany) for their contribution. Additional donors are welcome.
The campaign will post about its progress on Twitter using the Hashtag #YesToMedicalCannabis
About Medical Cannabis Declaration e.V. (MCD)
The Medical Cannabis Declaration (MCD) is an online platform founded on 16 February 2013 in Ruethen, Germany, established by worldwide medical professionals and patients who believe that the access to cannabis should not be determined by geography. MCD aims at promoting safe and regular prescription and use of medical cannabis, globally. The charity wants to be part of a growing movement to change the negative perception on cannabis to assure its real medical values are recognised. We solely rely on scientific studies developed for the medical use of the cannabis plant. Visit us at:

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