February 03, 2016 — Last month saw the launch of www.selfdrivingcarpros.com which is the first authoritative website that specialises in giving customers information and advice on driverless cars. Selfdrivingcarpros.com aims to inform visitors of the benefits and challenges of driverless cars and the technology involved.
Craig Mills launched selfdrivingcarpros.com in 2015 and the site’s main pages contain detailed information on the history of driverless cars from the early 1920s to the recent developments made by car manufacturers and other players such as Apple and Google. The site has also a page on the range of technologies used in making driverless cars work including GPS, lidar and motion sensors.
However, the most important part of the site is its blog written by Mr Mills himself. The blog posts discuss the benefits, challenges and potential impact of driverless cars. They also provide visitors information on the various safety systems such as blind spot monitoring and forward facing sensors to avoid collisions.
‘The launch of this site reflects the inevitable existence of driverless cars in the near future as well as my own passion’, says Craig Mills. ‘This means that motorists, passengers and business will definitely be affected so I thought a website which informs them of how driverless cars will influence their future travel and the pros and cons of self-driving technology would be beneficial.’
What’s more the site’s content is well balanced in that it provides equal coverage to both the advantages and the potential issues of travelling in driverless cars. And this has proven to be very useful to those who have visited selfdrivingcarpros.com.
For example, motorist, Sheila Dunstan from Banora Point, New South Wales says: ‘I admit I am still sceptical about cars that drive themselves but visiting the site has certainly helped me to know more about this growing industry and how it would be benefit me as a motorist in terms of safety and the chance to take a break from driving and navigating’.
‘The site also talks about the drawbacks of the technology’, adds Dunstan. ‘I am still worried about something going wrong with the car’s computer systems and the possibility of someone hacking into your car. But the site’s account of how manufacturers are already simulating these scenarios to anticipate these problems and make cars more digitally secure has to some extent reassured me’.
About Selfdrivingcarpros.com:
The site was launched by Craig Mills who has a background as a control systems technician and has a history of involvement with the technologies used on driverless vehicles. His passion for emerging technology, cars in general and driverless cars led him to create a self driving car information site which provides visitors with informative discussions on the vast array of technologies used in self-driving cars. Also the blog posts explore the benefits and challenges in developing driverless cars, their potential impact on people’s daily lives and current developments on safety systems and evolving public reaction towards driverless cars.
For More Information Contact: Craig Mills at info@selfdrivingcarpros.com or visit www.selfdrivingcarpros.com
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