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Boomland Square Announces New Mobile App in Ozark, Missouri

Ozark, MO November 4, 2015: Boomland Square announces the new Android mobile app is available for downloading and will keep Boomland Square customers updated with the latest home decor and gift ideas. All customers of Boomland Square can now receive instant notifications of sale items and fashion ideas.

Judie Pittman, owner of Boomland Square said, œThis was specifically held back to announce during our Annual Christmas Open House. We wanted to give our customers something extra this year to make it easy to find home d©cor ideas and specific products to meet their gift needs”.

The Annual Christmas event is specifically designed to introduce the latest in Christmas Decorations and home d©cor for the Christmas holidays. The Christmas Open House is scheduled for November 5th, 6th and 7th. Full details on the event can be found on the company website at www.BoomlandSquare.com.

Judie and Terry Pittman said œWe worked hard this year to complete this project and the timing is just perfect to coincide with our Christmas Open House”. Judie Pittman went on to say œIf you don–t want to miss out on the latest in home d©cor, gifts and fashion ideas then this will be an ideal tool to help you. It couldn–t be any easier to download and install”. Download access is available from the Boomland Square website: www.BoomlandSquare.com or from the Google Play website as well [https://play.google.com/store/search?q=boomland%20…](https://play.google.com/store/search?q=boomland%20square&c=apps).
Terry Pittman went on to say œWhile our Mobile App currently only is
designed for Android phones, tablets and laptops, we are working on expanding to include the Apple products”. Terry said œWhen it comes to having the systems to help our customers have the best experience shopping at Boomland Square, we–re always finding ways to top ourselves, and this year isn–t any exception with the new mobile app we are introducing”.

Boomland Square offers home specialty items such as Gourmet Foods. In addition the store has specialty Fashion Statements for him and her. It is also a Grandmothers Heavenly stop for baby gifts too.

Boomland Square is known for its decorating ideas and great prices. The staff thrives on helping their clients put amazing personal d©cor ideas together to make their homes spectacular for the Holidays. Boomland Square is truly one on a kind and has built its reputation on always meeting its customer–s highest expectations.

The Boomland Square website has full details about downloading the new Mobile App. Interested parties can visit the website.

About Boomland Square

Boomland Square, owned by Judie & Terry Pittman, have for over twenty years provided the Ozarks with a unique place to shop for gifts and homed©cor. Located in Ozark, Missouri the store is 10,000 square feet of specialty items that complement any d©cor. Each season Boomland Square offers fresh new ideas for decorating and special gifts for clients or a special person with an abundanceof merchandise designed with their customers in mind. Their success with giving their customers ideas and a fun shopping experience is especially due to the help of their professional staff. Call 417-581-6512 or visit us at 1996 W. Elm Street, Ozark, Mo.[](http://www.BoomlandSquare.com)

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