Presenting NPS2: Satmetrix to Introduce Next-Gen Net Promoter(R) Methodology at the 2015 International Net Promoter Conference in London, September 10 – 11

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — (Marketwired) — 07/23/15 — ®, the leading global provider of cloud-based solutions for managing and improving customer experience, is returning to London for its 9th annual on September 10 – 11, 2015 at Chelsea Football Club–s prestigious ground.

Today, Satmetrix invites businesses, Net Promoter practitioners and Customer Experience (CX) professionals to ignite their Customer Passion and learn from industry peers and thought leaders about how customer experience management is being transformed.

The speaker line-up includes:

Head of Global Customer Experience, Airbnb

Director of Customer Experience, News UK

Founder and CEO, experience5

CEO and co-founder, Brand Biology

Founder and CEO, CustomerThink Corporation

CCXP Customer Experience Transformist & VP, Temkin Group

Managing Director, BMS France

Co-Author of Answering the Ultimate Question and CEO, Satmetrix

Chief Product Officer, Satmetrix

Chief Customer Officer, Satmetrix

This year, the conference will also feature the UK launch of NPS2 — the next generation of NPS® methodology. Drawing on more than 10 years of in-the-field experience implementing and guiding NPS practices for leading companies, Satmetrix has collaborated with the top talent in the industry to develop an updated NPS methodology that reflects current market conditions, new case studies and the latest best practices — all of which will be showcased at the London conference.

Specifically, NPS2 brings innovation in areas such as:

Measuring customer experience performance across the entire customer journey

Expanding customer feedback gathering beyond the survey to include other sources of insight such as social media and operational data

“Smart Loops” — A redesigned approach to Detractor recovery and Promoter mobilization that expands closed loop efforts to impact all customers

Focusing on customer insights to inform and inspire a truly customer centric organization

The new NPS2 methodology is also featured throughout Satmetrix–s updated NPS certification course material; with classes offered at the conference, or online. With more than 5,000 CX professionals certified through the original Satmetrix certification course, the new NPS2 certification content builds on the proven success of the original NPS curriculum. The new certification content, however, represents a quantum leap forward in teaching how to apply the latest technology and proven practical approaches that have helped leading organizations take their customer experience efforts to a new level.

The 2015 International Net Promoter Conference will feature presentations, insights and practical case studies on how organisations across industries have successfully applied Net Promoter methodologies to increase customer lifestime value and create a best-in-class customer experience. Satmetrix Chief Product Officer, Brian Curry will also showcase how the company–s latest product, NPX, was embedded with built-in NPS2 expertise.

In addition to the valuable case studies and inspiring main stage talks, the conference will also feature a number of interactive sessions for particpants to choose from:

Stop by the “Genius Lab”. Participants are encouraged to bring their toughest CX problem with them and schedule a 30-minute consultation with Satmetrix–s consultants and thought leaders. (limited seating)

From the main stage to your table, workshops will allow attendees to work alongside the stars of the show to gain practical advice on how to apply their revolutionary thinking to your business (limited seating)

Table talks will provide participants with a unique opportunity to interact with their peers on critical areas such as improving response rates, customer journey mapping, employee engagement, social media and much more.

“This year, the International Net Promoter Conference is more significant than ever. It will introduce customer experience professionals to the new NPS2 methodology and offers certification that will equip them with the latest best practices to ensure success in today–s data-driven CX environment. It–s also a great environment for networking and exchanging ideas and challenges with your peers.”

Please visit the event website for further details and to register: . Attendees can secure early bird tickets until .


is the leading global provider of cloud-based solutions for managing and improving overall customer experience. As co-creator of the methodology, Satmetrix combines unrivalled NPS expertise with a powerful, yet cost-effective SaaS-based software solution to provide continuous, actionable, 360-degree customer insights. Leading organizations of all sizes and across multiple industries use Satmetrix solutions to drive customer retention, improve customer affinity and maximize positive word-of-mouth to deliver overall improvements in customer lifetime value. With more than 1,000 deployments in 40+ languages, Satmetrix provides a holistic view of the customer experience and the necessary expertise to help accelerate customer experience program success. For more information, visit

Mimi Brown or Erin Healey

0207 632 4800

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