Functions from the most important community module KIX4OTRS flow again into the service desk OTRS 4

Chemnitz, 15.02.2015 – Many functions of KIX4OTRS and its additional modules flow into the OTRS 4 or OTRS Business Solution provided by the OTRS AG. The worldwide most known service management system on open source basis confirms the importance of the innovative community input like KIX4OTRS. c.a.p.e.IT takes it as a recognition and success of its product KIX4TRS, which has been developed as open source and free software since 2008. KIX4OTRS evolves due to the best practice from projects and community feedback. It became the worldwide most extended module for OTRS.

„Through the practical relevance of KIX4OTRS, it was possible for many functions to flow back into the OTRS basis in the last years and it shows that KIX4OTRS is a crucial contribution of the open source software” says Rico Barth, co-founder and managing director of the c.a.p.e.IT. In the current OTRS 4, further KIX4OTRS features flew into the standard software and in the business edition of OTRS (OTRS Business Solution). Examples of such functions are possibility to pause the escalation time (Escalation Suspend), an extended management of incoming and outgoing attachments within a ticket (Article Attachment Overview, Delete Attachments) as well as flexible and demand-related (non) displaying of Dynamic Fields within a workflow due to a ticket state or ticket type (HideShow Dynamic Fields). Also “Outbound Mail“ has been taken over from the KIX4OTRS function “Empty Mail”, which is a very simple, but praxis-needed ticket function.

Through the takeover into OTRS, KIX4OTRS doesn–t lose its technical frontrunner position, because many functions are still available just as the open source capeIT-products. Crucial features are for example user-group-specific ticket templates ( so-called Quick-Tickets) or hierarchically sortable text modules (flexible text templates for fast and coherent ticket documentation). Also working within the Configuration Management Database (CMDB) with KIX4OTRS gives important advantages. With KIX4OTRS, it is possible to search through all CMDB-classes. Service agents get clear and interactive overview of connections between single Configuration Items (CIs). It makes the management of the IT landscape easier and faster.

„The takeover of some KIX4OTRS features by the OTRS AG is a recognition of our innovation strength and pioneering in the market” says Rico Barth. He also announces: “To be ahead in service is our motivation, therefore, we integrate a mobile solution for KIX4OTRS with an Instant Messenger and present it at the CeBIT 2015. Our customers will be able to open and process tickets on their smartphones – like in a chat. It will bring a new level of look & feel in the service management.”

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