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NewAer Announces Its SDK v. 5.0 at CES, Enabling Software Support for Any Platform for iBeacon-Like Discovery

LAS VEGAS, NV — (Marketwired) — 01/04/15 — NewAer, Inc., creator of proximity-based software solutions, announces at CES its v. 5.0 software development kit (SDK), which turns any computing or mobile platform into a wireless beacon. The update adds peer-to-peer communication within apps powered by NewAer without needing to pair devices ahead of time — a critical and pioneering feature demanded by the latest products in the Internet of Things revolution.

In 2014 NewAer powered proximity-triggered applications by startups and the second greatest-spending advertiser worldwide, leveraging physical spaces where clients may not have access or budget to install beacons necessary to create –magical– moments at scale. By empowering user devices to interact with each other or the environment, equipment already present within a space become beacons without the need to deploy new technology or resources. Airport lounges, car manufacturers and retail stores comprised a diverse group of brands leveraging proximity technology to make life easier for consumers around the world.

“The NewAer platform is the ultimate hands-free marketing engine,” said Dave Mathews, CEO, NewAer. “In a brand space powered by NewAer, customers– phones remain in their pocket while they interact with the real world naturally. From signage to social interaction, the environment comes to life without requiring any habit-changing interaction from the consumer like a check-in or opening an app.”

For retail locations or hospitality areas with digital signage, NewAer–s Kiosk product enables –Minority Report– — style interactions, displaying the right information at the right time based upon a customer being in proximity. Flight information guides a harried traveler to their tight connection, or a shopper wearing a wearable receives in-store information on products. Social media fans can share content instantly as well as eliminate hashtag guesswork just by being in proximity of an event.

“Brands are struggling with iBeacon strategy, often directing a consumer–s phone to –wake up– when it enters a retail environment,” commented Mathews. “This type of primitive campaign leads to repetitive messaging and an outcome closer to next generation spam, rather than an interaction both brand and customer actually want. NewAer pushes beyond the physical space that limits an iBeacon campaign and works from the cloud to marry devices, messaging and smarter action. If iBeacon is one tool, NewAer is the entire proximity toolkit.”

Since 2009, NewAer has evolved its SDK-focused discovery platform, enabling any device to see a broadcasting transmission of WiFi, Bluetooth and Bluetooth Smart Low Energy devices and is Apple iBeacon-compatible. NewAer will be demoing at the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) suite in the Bellagio at CES 2015. For an appointment, email to schedule a meeting.

NewAer, Inc.


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