SEH Unveils New Print Appliance ISD400 for Enterprise Environments

Print jobs with intensive use of graphic elements and colour quickly grow into large volume
files which require a lot of bandwidth. Strategically operated, dedicated print appliances
such as ISD400 are able to significantly reduce network traffic and the load of general
purpose servers, take over all print job spooling, and provide for the availability of network
printing services in a network printing environment.

Scalable Spooling Solution
While the tried and proven ISD300 product line has been designed as compact appliance
for workgroups, small branch offices etc. and for the operation outside of the server rack,
ISD400 is a full-blown enterprise spooling solution. With a 19 inch casing and the same set
of value-added features as the smaller ISD300, ISD400 is based on a much more powerful
hardware platform, ready to easily sustain about three times as many connections.
Depending on the existing infrastructure ISD400 can manage up to 450 users and 150
printers. In addition, there is still enough capacity to store voluminous print jobs (e.g. large
format print jobs generated with RIP software), much used forms and documents etc. By
expanding its ISD product series, SEH is now able to offer a seamlessly scalable print
spooling solution for small networks.

Extra Reliability With RAID Version ISD410
ISD410 Intelligent Spooling Device is the solution for users who need to make sure that
the availability of all printing services is always high when operating print spool appliances.
This model is equipped with two 160 GB hard disks, which operate jointly as a RAID
system. This ensures extra high reliability and system stability because data is stored
redundantly on a second disk. In case of failure of one of the hard disks, the other one will
automatically take over all functions at once.

Service for the Complete Product Lifecycle
SEH also offers an optional service package for ISD400. With the Softwareplus package
users benefit from all updates and upgrades for software and tools beyond the standard
SEH warranty. This also includes professional support for software and hardware. The
duration of the package is three years and can be extended after that.

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